The Catwalk Manifesto


  • Catwalk will empower anyone to build financial models
  • Catwalk will act as a thought partner to the user, aiding with:
    • Forming a hypothesis
    • Outdated or incomplete data
    • Unreliable sources
  • Catwalk will be fully transparent and auditable

Interaction Pattern

  • There will be a clear problem statement (e.g., "TAM for the North American pet food market")
  • The user and Catwalk will work together on a shared Model
  • The Model will contain Variables, each of which will have a Source. Sources can be:
    • Hard facts from the Database (financial statements, market data, etc.)
    • Assumptions (e.g., expert input, anecdotal evidence, etc.)
  • Catwalk will provide the user with an initial hypothesis of how the Model can be built, and the user will be able to edit the Model by adding, removing, or modifying Variables and their Sources
  • Catwalk will be able to search for a Variable in the Database, and add it to the Model